Really nice game you have here, real nice. But it was confusing, and had a few bugs.
Bad / Bugs;
When you died on the first frame, and went into the sky, it would say your 50 high, and the landing pad exploded. Shortly after this, the truck came back on, and appeared in the middle of the level. The guy came along to kill me, he died, and I died, then EVERYTHING disapeared from that level, and about a minute later, the menu came to me, and were walking through the ground.
Maybe its just me? And Yeah I have Flash 8. O and also, when the people shoot you, it would make you rise in the air, I don't know if this was supposed to happen. O yeah, and if you shot, and then changed level, the rocket would still be there. :-/
O yeah, and if you went really high, and to the left, after you fuel ran out, you would fall, and the red thing would look like it's going through the floor, haha.
Lovely graphics, and awesome interactivity. Really nice! This must of taken you ages to create, and I don't see why it has such low score, maybe because of the bugs. The arrow where it told you were you was was a real nice thing. I liked it, and it was helpful; that was rare on alot of games.
Reflect on my review, and submit another one. I love it!